Umbrella Insurance-Who Needs It?
Do I Need Umbrella Insurance?
Although our agency has not seen many Umbrella Insurance claims, when they do happen, they are usually a large dollar amount that would cause most everyone financial ruin. Umbrella Insurance can be purchased at a relatively low cost and could save your ASSETS!
Life Happens
There are many situations where umbrella coverage could come into play. How many of you drive children that are not yours to school or home from a football/baseball/soccer game? What happens if you’re at fault in an accident that injures these guest passengers? Maybe you have a dog that likes to jump up on people, could someone be injured by them? Do you have a swimming pool that someone could be injured in?
Due to the litigious nature of our society, you could actually be held liable for any of these events. These types of fairly common situations are exactly why you have liability coverage on your homeowners, auto, and other insurance policies. Do you know what your policy liability limits are? Are they enough?
Do I Have Enough Coverage?
Think about your auto policy liability limits. The state of Utah only requires a limit of $25,000 of bodily injury liability per person. If you injure someone in an accident and their medical bills are above your limit, you could be facing losing your home, having your bank or retirement account seized or have your wages garnished to make up the difference.
If you’ve had your homeowners policy for awhile, more than likely you have $100,000 of liability coverage. Newer policies are typically being written with $300,000 or $500,000 of liability coverage, which sounds like a lot! However, with the cost of medical care, we may need to rethink this. Think surgery, rehab, lost income, pain and suffering, all the things you hear on court shows on TV. You typically hear of millions being awarded in many cases. This is why that $100,000 of liability coverage may not be enough!
Added Layer of Protection
Purchasing a personal umbrella policy means you’ve got more coverage if the cost of a claim goes over your liability limit on an underlying policy. Typically, these Umbrella policies provide $1 or $2 million of additional coverage. Having this extra amount of coverage will help protect your current and future assets if you ever have a major claim. Depending on your situation, this coverage could cost as little as 40 cents a day! Give us a call or email us at for an Umbrella Insurance quote!